How to Use AI for Data Analysis

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How to Use AI for Data Analysis
xplore the revolution in data analysis with Viable's Generative Analysis Platform.
Nicole Bansal
Nicole Bansal
January 25, 2024

Traditionally, data analysis has been a tedious, manual process that overlooked subtle nuances. Those days are over.

With tools like Viable’s Generative Analysis Platform, you’re able to harness cutting-edge AI to sift through massive amounts of data and uncover useful insights for improving your business. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how AI has changed data analysis forever and why Viable is the go-to choice for leveraging its power in your business.

AI data analysis: The power of generative tools

Generative analysis is transcending the traditional limitations of data interpretation and offering an unparalleled depth of understanding of your customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This innovative approach goes beyond mere aggregation—it interprets and comprehends data with a level of sophistication and nuance that mirrors human cognition, establishing a new benchmark in the realm of data analysis.

Unraveling the complexity of unstructured data

At the core of this transformative process is the ability to navigate through the complexities of unstructured data. Generative analysis transforms a plethora of customer feedback, social media commentary, survey responses, and more into a treasure trove of actionable insights. This is a stark departure from conventional analysis methods that might predominantly rely on keyword detection or volume metrics. Generative analysis endeavors to uncover the latent sentiments, preferences, and behaviors within the data, offering a holistic and nuanced perspective of the customer experience.

Beyond the surface: Understanding context and sentiment

Generative analysis leverages advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to delve deep into the context and sentiment behind the data. It understands the subtleties of human language, recognizing sarcasm, humor, and sentiment, which are often lost in traditional analysis methods. This ensures that the insights derived are not just accurate but also rich in context, providing a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s perspective.

Transforming data into strategic insights

The power of generative analysis lies in its ability to transform raw, unstructured data into strategic insights that can inform business decisions and drive growth. It identifies patterns and trends that might be invisible to the human eye, uncovering opportunities for innovation and improvement. By understanding the ‘why’ behind the data, businesses can proactively address customer needs, enhance their products and services, and ultimately foster a stronger connection with their audience.

A paradigm shift in data analysis

Generative analysis represents a paradigm shift. It challenges the status quo, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI in data analysis. The integration of generative tools in data analysis workflows marks the beginning of a new era, one where data is not just seen as a collection of information but as a valuable asset that, when properly understood, can unlock endless possibilities for business growth and customer engagement.

How to Use AI for Data Analysis

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Harnessing the power of generative analysis with Viable

In the realm of AI-powered data analysis, Viable has positioned itself as a trailblazer, offering a solution that surpasses human performance in interpreting unstructured feedback. This untapped reservoir of information is arguably one of the most valuable assets a business can possess. By actively engaging with our AI tools for data analysis, you can transform this dormant resource into a formidable competitive advantage.

The inefficacy of manual qualitative data analysis

The traditional approach of manually sifting through qualitative data is no longer tenable in today’s fast-paced business landscape. The sheer volume and complexity of unstructured feedback necessitate a more sophisticated and efficient method of analysis. Viable addresses this need head-on, providing a platform that automates the analysis process delivering powerful yet user-friendly reports. Say goodbye to endless hours spent on spreadsheets and manual data sorting. With Viable, feedback from diverse sources is meticulously analyzed, with the AI system automatically identifying and highlighting the most crucial themes. This process is not merely based on volume or keywords; it delves deeper, considering factors such as the urgency of the language, customer tiers, churn risk, and more.

Weekly insights and elimination of blind spots

One of the standout features of Viable’s platform is its ability to track weekly changes in customer feedback, ensuring that no emerging theme goes unnoticed. Every Monday (or any day that you choose), you can expect a comprehensive report delivered directly to your inbox, complete with direct quotes, data points, and metadata. This level of detail and consistency ensures that you’re always equipped with the insights needed to make informed decisions.

Customization and powerful search tools

Viable understands that not all data is created equal, and the importance of certain feedback can vary significantly depending on numerous factors. That’s why the platform offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor feedback reports based on data source, product hierarchy, customer segment, or market. This ensures that you can focus your attention and resources on the areas that matter most. Additionally, the platform’s powerful search functionality allows users to navigate through every facet of the analysis, including the raw data, ensuring that no stone is left unturned.

Time efficiency and cost savings

By automating the data analysis process, Viable not only enhances the accuracy and depth of insights but also results in substantial time savings. On average, a Product Manager or Customer Experience Lead can spend up to 26 hours every month on qualitative analysis. Viable slashes this time significantly, freeing up valuable resources that can be better spent elsewhere. Moreover, customers who leverage Viable’s insights have reported increased NPS, reduced support ticket volumes, optimized time-to-market, and considerable savings on operating costs.

Seamless integration and data security

Viable seamlessly integrates with your most crucial sources of truth, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted flow of data for analysis. Whether you are looking to analyze feedback from Reddit threads, Glassdoor reviews, meeting transcripts, or any other text-based data source, Viable has you covered. The platform supports integration with a multitude of apps via Zapier, as well as the ability to analyze custom datasets through API or CSV uploads. And with SOC 2 Type 2 certification, you can be confident that your data is safe and sound.

Elevating the voice of your customers

At the heart of Viable’s platform is a commitment to elevating the voice of your customers. The integration of AI and GPT-4 technology ensures that every piece of feedback is not just analyzed but truly understood. The Q&A feature invites users to interact directly with the AI, asking questions and receiving data-backed answers in a matter of seconds. This level of interaction and insight is unparalleled, ensuring that you are always one step ahead, armed with the knowledge needed to drive your business forward.

When it comes to AI tools for data analysis, Viable stands above the rest

Embracing AI data analysis, and generative analysis in particular, represents a strategic move for businesses aiming to thrive in the modern data-centric landscape. By implementing AI tools for data analysis, you can unleash the full potential of all your unstructured data, gaining a deeper understanding of your customers, enhancing efficiency, and driving informed decisions.

Don’t let valuable insights slip through the cracks. Connect with Viable to leverage the power of AI in data analysis and transform your approach to data interpretation today.

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